
2018年10月22日—TheextensionaddsabuttontotheChromebrowserbar.Ifthere'saPiP-compatiblevideoonapage,whentheuserpressesthisbutton,thevideo ...,AsimpleChromeExtensiontodemonstratethePicture-in-PictureWebAPIinChrome.GetitontheChromeWebStoreathttps://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ ...,2023年12月12日—PictureinPicture(PiP)isasimpleChromeextensionforPicture-in-Picture(PiP)onYouTube,Netflix,andothers...

Google Chrome Picture-in

2018年10月22日 — The extension adds a button to the Chrome browser bar. If there's a PiP-compatible video on a page, when the user presses this button, the video ...


A simple Chrome Extension to demonstrate the Picture-in-Picture Web API in Chrome. Get it on the Chrome Web Store at https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ ...

Picture in Picture for Google Chrome

2023年12月12日 — Picture in Picture (PiP) is a simple Chrome extension for Picture-in-Picture (PiP) on YouTube, Netflix, and other streaming sites. The feature ...

Picture In Picture — Best PIP Extension for Chrome & Edge

What is Picture in Picture ... Light Picture in Picture is a simple extension that activates PiP mode in online videos. It allows to watch videos in a floating ...


2022年9月15日 — Picture-in-Picture (PiP) allows you to watch videos in a floating window (always on top of other windows) so you can keep an eye on what ...


2023年2月2日 — It extends the existing Picture-in-Picture API for <video> that only allows an HTML <video> element to be put into a Picture-in-Picture window.

訓練一心多用的影片觀看模式(Chrome Edge 擴充功能)

2020年8月23日 — Picture-in-Picture Extension (by Google):訓練一心多用的影片觀看模式(Chrome / Edge 擴充功能). 如果你想訓練一心多用的能力,可以安裝這個套件。

FreeFileSync 13.5 檔案同步免費軟體

FreeFileSync 13.5 檔案同步免費軟體
